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Ramblings of a mother, wife, cancer patient & human bean

We are all told, “live your life to the fullest”; I am here to do just that when I'm not fucking knackered

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Hope in a Packet

Man alive. I’d say it’s been a rollercoaster (text book cancer lingo) but it’s actually been a lift in a mineshaft - rapid descent, no...

It’s been a while….

For those of you kind enough to notice and to ask after my well-being, following an extended social media absence, thank you. To the rest...

Why Boris made me cry

Typically, icons are known by a single name; Pele, Madonna, Bono, Diana, Prince, Ghandi. Fluffy celeb types have a mash up style...

Treatment Break

Here’s the thing. I have a good game face. Unless you really know me, and by that I mean either carnally (just the one person for the...

It's all shits and not that many giggles

I am so sick of being on treatment. Do not misunderstand me, I am eternally grateful to have access to a drug that wasn't widely...


When I was 20, I was followed from work by a man. I had the wherewithal to stop a random couple and say “there’s a man crouching behind a...

Covid & Cancer - Its All A Bit B*llocks

A perspective on the collateral damage of covid as a cancer patient, as a parent & as a daughter who buried her dad in the middle of it all.

Grief is a sneaky f*cker. Oh and my birthday

It’s my birthday today and, as anyone who’s known me a while can attest, I freakin’ love my birthday. Well I always think I love my...

Breast lump

I’m sitting in yet another waiting room at Casa del Cov. However this isn‘t a room I am familiar with. This time it’s another part of my...

WTF is a thyroid anyway?

Many of you may not of have even heard of the thyroid, let alone know where it is in the body or what it does. Quick science lesson: 1)...

Telling the children I have cancer

I promised a blog on how we have handled the cancer shit show with Wakey & Pukey. Well, in the first instance, we did the really adult...

4) Happy Third Cancerversary

Three years ago today, exactly 1 month after my Mums funeral, I got the life changing news I had cancer, not just cancer, but advanced...

3) Hunting the MuthaLoad

So I had cancer.  It was in my bones.  I was stage 4. Incurable. Advanced. Proper fucked. The last person I knew who had this diagnosis...


Got myself into the GP who immediately agreed to get a scan sorted.  The appointment very inconveniently came through for 1730 on a...

1) In the Beginning....

For years, I struggled.  I was always short for my weight.  I was passed some serious umpalumpa genes from my parents. I spent my...

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